Saturday, April 27, 2013

WitchVox website

If you haven't been here, check it out! Here is a link to a good Beltane article --->

Beltane and Eternity

“You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself. What an amazing miracle.”  - Eckhart Tolle from "A New Earth"
As Samhain is about honoring Death, Beltane, its counter part, is about honoring Life. And so is the cycles of life eternal, a balance between the light and the dark. The opposite of death is actually not life, but birth.... something I learned from Eckhart Tolle. Life is eternal. Eternity is now and we do not die but transform from one form to another...from human back to mother Earth to feed new life. When this new life rises from death it is like the phoenix rising from the ashes and becoming again. Consciousness and being are one in the same. This is the Cosmic existence all of us are eternally bound to.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cosmic Ride

The world is just a ride...this existence is but a ride. An idea conveyed by the comedian Bill Hicks in the video below shortly before he died at a young age.... Within the transformation of eternal matter through the infinity of time moving through forms we are on a cosmic ride. Death is just a change in forms; going back to the matter you were before you were born. We are made of ancient matter that never dies, just moves from energy into matter...into things like trees and us. 

As Spring reaches its midpoint during Ostara, night and day come together in perfect balance for a moment. Nature is full of balances and opposites - it is just how this world is on this plane of existence. And nature is an accountant that has to balance the books over time...just as death is a balance for new life. So during Ostara we are like a crowd on a roller coaster at the top of the track...reaching a point during the equinox when we reach balance again and will soon be transforming again into new seasons like Spring. A season for Mother Earth to have new growth and new life. 

Friday, March 8, 2013


“Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of
art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to
see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.”
― Leonardo da Vinci

Monday, February 25, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013


A time which marks the recovery of the Goddess after giving birth to the Sun God. A time of celebration and the movement towards Spring and Ostara. There is an excellent article on Imbolc at the white goddess' website

~ Blessed be to you all and enjoy!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Energy Around Us

I ran across this video and started to think of the many parallels of the Jedi way and the Wiccan way. In this video Yoda tells Luke to feel the force around him...that the force is Energy...Energy between you, me and the tree. Of course in Wicca we are always talking about energies, observing them, such as someones Aura or feeling them. The tree being referenced in the movie also struck me with curiosity as well as Pagan Religions see them as sacred.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


There is so much to say about the origins of Paganism. Wicca is generally accepted as part of Paganism, a subgroup of them. I am an eclectic Wiccan with the name of Dragonos Star Stone. There is freedom in Wicca that anyone can be accepted into it...Christians, Atheists, etc. What many call god and pray to for struggles they face Wiccans call nature. The origins of Paganism or Earth based worship that included the Moon and Sun is up for debate. Many agree that it was the Celtic tribes of Europe some 3000 years ago that formed and worshipped the basic ideas of Paganism. Others, like myself, see it repeated in shamanism of many peoples. From this present moment to the times of Cave paintings some 40,000 years ago to the Neanderthals I believe in many ways the self aware human mind has been looking to the stars, looking at the nature that surrounds us in a magikal, mystical and wonderous sense for a very long time.

Jasmine Shadow Blade's Art for background: