Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cosmic Ride

The world is just a ride...this existence is but a ride. An idea conveyed by the comedian Bill Hicks in the video below shortly before he died at a young age.... Within the transformation of eternal matter through the infinity of time moving through forms we are on a cosmic ride. Death is just a change in forms; going back to the matter you were before you were born. We are made of ancient matter that never dies, just moves from energy into matter...into things like trees and us. 

As Spring reaches its midpoint during Ostara, night and day come together in perfect balance for a moment. Nature is full of balances and opposites - it is just how this world is on this plane of existence. And nature is an accountant that has to balance the books over time...just as death is a balance for new life. So during Ostara we are like a crowd on a roller coaster at the top of the track...reaching a point during the equinox when we reach balance again and will soon be transforming again into new seasons like Spring. A season for Mother Earth to have new growth and new life. 

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